Towards Robust Lidar-based 3D Detection and Tracking of UAVs
In this research, we study the robustness of lidar-based 3D detection and tracking of UAVs. We investigate the effective detection ranges of different UAVs based on their construction materials and the effective range and 3D detection performance of a specific UAV at different atmospheric visibility conditions. Further, we examine to what extent lidar-based systems can track a drone’s trajectories via real-world experiments and point cloud data processing. Using a COTS lidar-based system (Livox Mid-40), we confirm that we can track UAVs fine-grained at up to 80m distance under various environmental conditions (i.e., morning, afternoon, and night).

Prof. Richard Han, Dr. Phuc Nguyen, Dr. Endrowedness Kuantama, Tasnim Azad Abir
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